Some of Fenn's Favorite Wrestling Moments

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Documentary Suggests Benoit had Brain Damage

A new documentary by Canadian network CBC, 'The Fifth Estate', suggests that Chris Benoit was suffering from brain damage from repeated concussions, going so far as saying that Benoit's brain resembled that of an 85-year-old man with dementia. This investigation was promped by Chris Nowinski (remember him? Mr. Harvard?). Apprently, when Nowinski heard about Chris Benoit, he called police and suggested examining Benoit's brain to see if concussions played a role in any episodes of rage or depression. It was reported that Vince McMahon dismissed the concussion theory, saying that he couldn't have performed as his did with this condition.

Chris, not that it makes what happened okay (Killing your wife, your son, and hanging yourself is inexcusable), but I truly hope that this was the case. I can see how this might have been the case, with all of the chair shots, headbutts and swan dive headbutts I saw over the years, not to mention all the ones that I didn't see. You were an idol of mine, and always seemed like a stand-up guy. I was shocked and dismayed when I first heard what you had done.

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