Some of Fenn's Favorite Wrestling Moments

Friday, February 15, 2008

Paul Heyman's Latest Sun Interview: This is going to p*** people off

UK tabloid, The Sun, released another frank interview with Paul Heyman today. Paul Heyman delves even further into the behind-the-scenes world of professional wrestling and sports entertainment.

In the first portion of the interview, he elaborates a bit further on his working relationship with Stephanie McMahon. I was surprised in the initial interview about Heyman's comments about Steph, and even more surprised by this one... extremely respectful and complimentary. I don't know Stephanie McMahon, but I personally don't like some of the things she's doing with creative (yeah, before you flame me, internet readers, I know she doesn't write everything... but she is the head of the team. Oh by the way, thanks for adding the term, 'The Vinc-ess' to my vocabulary, Paul. Heh).

Paul Heyman goes on to talk about his conspiracy theory about the 'heir' of WWE. Heyman believes that Vince will control WWE well into his 90's, and pass control onto one of Shane McMahon's sons so that 'a McMahon' is controlling the company. I had never considered this before, but it makes total sense. I must admit though, secretly, I'd love to see what would happen if Triple H gained some control of the company via Steph. I know, according to the rumor mill, Trips is supposedly on his high horse behind the scenes, and looks down on a lot of the talent. If it's true, while I can't say I condone looking down your (large) nose at the other talent, I honestly don't see how he couldn't be on a high horse. Trips is 'that damn good', and never fails to entertain. Maybe I've bought into the hype... maybe I'm brainwashed, but Hulk Hogan was right (I can't believe I'm standing behind Hogan).

What am I talking about, you ask? Yesterday, Hulk Hogan was on The View to promote American Gladiators No, I don't watch The View. Seriously, I watched it on the internet. What do you mean you don't believe me? Fine, here (wrestling talk is about 2:53 in):

Hogan is right. There are no more 'larger-than-life characters like The Rock or Stone Cold Steve Austin. Triple H is about as close as we come. I hate to live in the past, but how I miss WWE's 'Attitude Era'. Just a side note... I had to laugh about Hogan's mention of 'the old days' (about 5:00 in) and 'the guys' that would 'punch you in the face if someone said wrestling was fake'. Hulk, do you mean like on March 27th, 1985 when you choked out Richard Belzer and dropped him on the floor during a TV interview with you and Mr. T, when he asked you if it was fake? When you say 'guys', you mean 'guys' like you, right? You're not so innocent, Hulkster... Some of us remember... Brother.

Anyway, I'm rambling...

Paul Heyman goes on to talk about what's 'wrong' with TNA. I never realized it, but he's totally right. It should be obvious to anyone. The problem, is branding. The following quotes pretty much sum it up:

'You look at Kurt Angle and you think WWE. You look at Booker T and think WCW, five-time, five-time, five-time or King Booker in WWE. You look at The Dudleys and think ECW or WWE or even tables.'

He goes on to say:

'I don't think the problem is in the talent, it's in the BRANDING of that talent. If you walked Angle through the airport, nobody would say: "There's that guy from TNA."

Nobody equates Angle, or anybody in that company, to TNA. As a company, they desperately need to address that.'

Absolutely true.

Paul also talks about the ideas of join forces with TNA, Ring of Honor, and even MMA promotions IFL & Yamma.

It's a good read. Given the sports entertainment interviews that The Sun keeps putting up, it appears that Paul Heyman will be addressing both celebrity gossip and sports entertainment. At least, one can hope.

Find the full Paul Heyman interview here: This is going to p*** people off

There were also two more Heyman Hustle commercials put up since I've posted last.
Find the third commercial here: Heyman Hustle Third Commercial
Find the final commercial here: Heyman Hustle Final Commercial

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