Some of Fenn's Favorite Wrestling Moments

Sunday, February 17, 2008

WWE 'Raw Live!' 2/16/2008: Results and Photos

Last night I attended the house show at the Staples Center, here in Los Angeles. I haven't been to a non-televised event in many years... and I forgot how superior house shows are as compared to televised events. Why? Matches have no time constraints due to TV production schedules, there's tons of wrestler/crowd interaction, the talent has more freedom with their portrayal of their character (If you think Trevor Murdoch has the personality of a doorknob, your view will change if you see him at a house show), and you get to see the guys that they don't put on TV anymore. Of course, it certainly helped matters being in the 6th row, the closest I've ever been. I've had floor seats before (Judgment Day, May 16th, 2004), but they weren't nearly as good. Speaking of Judgment Day 2004, the RVD & Rey Mysterio vs. the Dudley Boys match was awesome. Our camera did not cooperate at all, and the majority of the pics didn't turn out. After spending 3 hours in Photoshop, I managed to salvage a few of the 'more clear' ones.

Anyway, traffic on the way to the Staples Center was beastly... worse than 'typical' LA traffic (If you've never been here, it's always rush hour). When we arrived Ric Flair and Ken Kennedy were in the ring, and we caught the second half of the match. This was a great preview to the match tonight at No Way Out. It was fairy quick-paced, and I was actually entertained by Ric Flair. I imagine this was a warm-up for tonight's match at No Way Out. They battled back and forth, but Kennedy was clearly dominating Flair. Kennedy threw the figure four on Ric Flair but Flair made it to the ropes. Flair ultimately won with is own figure four when Mr. Kennedy tapped out.

The following match was a Divas match. If you're wondering where Val Venis has been, apparently he's now a referee for the Diva matches at house shows. It was Mickie James vs. Beth Phoenix. No pics... because other than Beth Phoenix's fisherman's suplex, there wasn't much worth documenting. I can watch Mickie James botch moves on TV... I don't need pictures of it. This was a popcorn match anyway.

Next up was a 6-man tag, Carlito, Charlie Haas & Snitsky vs. DH Smith, Brian Kendrick & Super Crazy. Entrances were pretty standard, however I was shocked when Charlie Haas came out. He was wearing a shiny hoodie, identical to the entrance ring attire worn by A.J. Styles. Once in the ring, he turned around and it said 'HAASTYLES'. I wish the pics of his entrance ring attire turned out, but oh well. I guess you'll just have to take my word for it. I'm not sure if this is a character in development, or WWE's answer to TNA stealing gimmicks. Lots of great crowd interaction here. Carlito jumped the steel rail and charged into the crowd after a fan. He ended up grabbing the security guy's steel chair and winged it into ringside. Snitsky & Haas picked fights with the audience from ringside. There were lots of 'Brush your teeth' chants. I'm not sure what was the deal with Super Crazy. He started the match, almost immediately tagged in and stood there, looking disinterested until he was tagged back in at the end of the match. I'm not suggesting anything, but when DH Smith was thrown to the turnbuckle, he ran like a sissy. Other than that, he performed pretty well... Still not close to being as good as his father though. Brian Kendrick was of course great, as was Carlito. These two guys don't get enough credit, and rarely get to showcase everything that they can do. Charlie Haas, of course, went under the ring and emerged as a luchador. I'm not sure what happened to Charlie Haas. He was so good with Shelton Benjamin back in Team Angle. The match ended with Brian Kendrick ducking a kick from Snitsky, which landed on Carlito, sending both men over. The match ended with Super Crazy landing a moonsault on Charlie Haas in the center of the ring.

The 6-man tag was followed by a 'championship singles match between Jeff Hardy and Randy Orton. The Staples Center exploded when Jeff Hardy's entrance started playing. It was awesome. This wasn't the same match as at the Royal Rumble, but it might as well have been. We've seen this match before, maybe not in the same order, but we've seen it. Orton sliding his kneepad down and dropping it on Jeff. Whisper in the Wind. Missed Swanton Bomb. The match ended the same way the title match at the Royal Rumble did, Twist of Fate reversal into a RKO. Orton wins clean. I noticed a couple interesting things... first... it was strange to see Jeff Hardy squatting in the corner, bobbing his head to Randy Orton's entrance music. Second, Jeff seem generally displeased to be there. He scowled through most of the match and didn't smile much when he did acknowledge the crowd. After the match, he reluctantly made his way around the ring. Maybe he was just tired, but it looked like he was doing it out of obligation more than wanting to interact with the fans. Maybe he knew he was going to lose (again) tonight at No Way Out after he's been busting his ass for months. I imagine he's been getting the same reaction across the country as he got at Staples Center. Give the guy the belt.

After intermission, the action continued with a tag match between Trevor Murdoch & Lance Cade vs. Hardcore Holly & Cody Rhodes. I expected to hate this match when I heard Tony Chimel announcing the Superstars. It was a pleasant surprise. You'd never know it from what is shown on TV, but Trevor Murdoch and Lance Cade are incredibly entertaining heels. Yes, seriously. These guys are funny. From Lance Cade restraining Trevor Murdock from storming into the crowd, to Trevor Murdock trying to escape from Bob Holly's headlock by reaching for hair, not finding any, then stroking Bob's head repeatedly trying to find some (See, it's funny because Hardcore Holly has a receding hairline. Try to keep up). Holly gets the pin by kicking Murdock while he was hung on the top rope, then a Alabama Slam.

By far, the next match was the best of the night. Y2J and JBL, whose job was to warm up the crowd for the main event, absolutely stole the show. Bradshaw came out, did a promo and heated up the crowd, boasting about 'building' the Staples Center by 'destroying' Eddie Guerrero (ironically, Judgment Day 2004) and winning at Wrestlemania 21. Jericho came out in the usual manner (C'mon, baby! ) Chris Jericho and John 'Bradshaw' Layfield put on one hell of a street fight. Better than most I've seen on pay per views (It probably helped my opinion that they were fighting in the crowd just two rows in front of me). There was no blading, and quite frankly, there was no need for it. Poor Bradshaw. Someone in the crowd shouted, 'Hit him in the chest Chris... you might get milk'. There was also a (short-lived, and pathetic) 'You've got boobies' chant'. (Give the guy a break, he was sidelined for a year! ). We saw chairs... a steel pan... various choking with cords (Jericho strung him up from the top rope again)... even stair usage and a Singapore cane. Y2J got the win after hitting a chair-assisted code breaker on JBL's face. Y2J made a point to circle the ring after the match and slap hands with all the kids that rushed the guard rails... really cool of him. When the kids in my section came back to their seats they were freaking. It was so cute. Heh.

The Main Event was Degeneration-X. Triple-H and Shawn Michaels came out tossing T shirts and glowsticks. Trips grabbed the mic and did the usual DX schtik. HBK reminded Triple H that no one was watching at home, Hunter did the whole thing over and added, '...and the millions not watching at home'. Funny, but you probably had to be there.

Tony Chimel then announced the opponents. Like earlier, I groaned when I heard the entrance music... William Regal, followed by Umaga. There was a funny moment when William Regal was making faces at a fan's choice of shirt... oddly enough, the style was pretty similar to Regal's robe. Again I would be impressed. Despite what one might think, it was a great match. It was filled with surprises... and one big, nasty surprise (You'll see, if you're brave enough to scroll down. I'm now scarred for life).

Umaga's ring entrance was standard... screaming in Samoan and showing his tongue.

I am really liking Eddie Fatu's Umaga character. SO much better than Jamal (You remember Three Minute Warning, right?)

Disclaimer: So, remember up above where I said I was scarred for life? Unless you want to be scarred for life too, don't go any further. What do you mean you're not worried about it? Don't say I didn't warn you. Go ahead, it's your funeral. Have a look at HBK's sunset flip pin attempt on William Regal:

So of course, now that William Regal's butt is hanging out... Triple H can't resist and... Spank!

Triple H and Shawn Michaels react to how their hands now smell. Trips grabs the mic and ask if anyone has any Purell, followed by, 'I'm not sure which is worse, the haircut up top or the one down below'. Classic. (Now you know where they got the idea for Mr. Kennedy to pants Flair at No Way Out tonight)

Like tonight at No Way Out, Umaga tried to hit the Samoan Spike on Hunter, but HBK kicks him before he gets the chance, followed by a superkick to William Regal. Trips hits the Pedigree on William Regal, DX wins.

To wrap this up, if you ever have a choice between attending a house show vs. a televised show, go to the house show. Last night I re-learned that televised shows are meant to be watched on TV. After last night, I'll never go to a televised event again. the bottom line: You get a lot more for your money at a house show.

I'll rant about my horrible No Way Out experience tomorrow... Stay tuned.


Anonymous said...

I was at this show! Thanks for showing how houseshows are that much better than televised, because I was depressed at not being able to go to Anaheim and be on TV xP. I was in the eighth row up, where the stage should be. They were good seats, except there was this fat guy who would NEVER sit down and he wasn't even into it. He would just stand up with his hands at his sides, and I could swear he was doing it just to piss me off. I don't remember Carlito chasing anyone though, I just thought he ran away because his hand was hurt(he was holding his hand). But then again, I wasn't paying attention to the beginning of that match. I had no interest in anyone in that match. Also this one lady with a sign that said "Next WWE diva/(flipped)Mrs. Orton or something" kept holding up her sign while standing up, thus blocking my already obstructed view(the fat man.)

Great show though.

Fenn said...

Hey glad to share. Thanks for reading, and commenting. My tracking tools show all kinds of traffic through here, but unless users interact, I have no idea if anyone actually reads my ramblings.

I wasn't impressed with Raw on Monday, so I don't think you missed anything by not being there.

Sorry about the fat man. Signs... I don't understand why people bring signs to house shows. Superstars have more important things to do besides try to read random signs out in the darkness. I intended to apologize to the lady in front of me at the end of this post, but I forgot. Sorry I scared the hell out of you by shouting in your ear, lady, but I asked you to put your damn sign down at least 4 times.

Again, thanks for reading.

- Fenn

Anonymous said...

I might go to the Smackdown event in June. Do you think Smackdown would be as good as Raw?

Fenn said...

You know, it's hard to say. I suppose it depends on what the roster looks like by then. Smackdown! has some great talent but it also has a lot of talent that I can't stand (well, to be fair, it has a lot of characters and gimmicks that I can't stand. I blame creative). In my opinion, Raw is the flagship show, and gets the best Superstars. I'd go regardless.

Anonymous said...

That's what I thought. Smackdown = Crowd's chants at ECW, Batista vs. Big Show. Hilarious if you haven't seen it. Anyways. On to the next rant, keep this up, this is my first live event :p